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18 October 2014

The best OS for your machine just got better

Apple’s latest OS X version, Yosemite, is ready for download, but simply installing the system is only the first step in a very interesting journey. Apple has made significant changes across OS X, improving the Safari browser, Notifications Center, Spotlight searching, and even how the desktop finds synergy with iOS devices. For instance, Yosemite has been built from the ground up to support Retina displays like the one deployed on the new iMac. As such, the new OS is chock-full of new visual optimizations, including a new font, translucency effects, and interface tweaks that advance the OS X design language. And then there's Handoff, a feature that lets you launch an app on one device (say, your Mac), and then “hand off” that activity to another device (your iPhone or iPad). It’s enabled in Mail, Messages, Maps, and a host of other apps. An don't forget Spotlight, which started as a relatively simple system search tool, but in Yosemite, it’s a full-fledged Internet crawler that can not only rifle through your OS, but also the web, Wikipedia, news headlines, maps, Bing, the App Store, iTunes, and even movie show times. But more so than any other built-in app, the Safari browser has probably changed the most in the update from Mavericks to Yosemite. So go download it. Even if you don't have a Mac, buy one and if it doesn't already have Yosemite installed, download it.

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